Underwater Photography

Underwater Photography

Photographing wildlife within the ocean is quite unlike terrestrial photography.Undersea photographers can't utilize telephoto lenses to make pictures of animals in the distance.Even in the clearest of water, visibility is never that clear, and water acts as a giant strainer, removing color and refracting and scattering light. 
Working with some shark wear a flexible suit of tiny , welded steel links as protection against a shark bite.
How to capture a photograph of a shark in the under water-putting cameras inside seal decoys.the best place for the camera within the decoy,in order to see when a shark was in the frame and we had to be able to activate the camera by wireless.we wanted the shark to be strange but not too attentive that it would attack the decoy. 
Sharks represent an endless well of inspiration, a blend of elegance and power that attracted into the sea time after time in hopes of producing a new action that truly captures their essence.
Fish eye lenses is a special kind of ultra-wide lens it gives a curved perspective. Fish eye lenses get closer to our subject, which is important underwater for color and image quality.the lens is needed to get near to large animals like this Manta ray.

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These lenses usually works better behind closeup lenses underwater than other wide-angle lenses.

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